Dive Color Corrector
Easily color correct your dive and underwater footage for free.
👆 Click to play video
Why this tool exists?
If you’ve ever shot underwater footage you’d know that it looks bluer and greener than it should. That’s because the red light of the spectrum gets absorbed as you go deeper into the ocean.
This tool uses image processing algorithms to fix the colors for you. It works for both photos and videos.
How is it different from Dive+?
This tool is designed to run on computers instead of mobile phones. It is possible that anybody who cares about serious video-editing is likely to do it on a laptop instead of a phone.
Dive+ lets you correct 2 videos a day. 🤨
Dive+ also charges a subscription fee. 😂
Like who wants to correct dive footage month on month?
Is the tool free?
Yes. And you are free to use it however you want.
What are the limitations and restrictions?
It should support most photos and videos shot on GoPros.
The tool in itself has no restrictions.
- No watermarks
- No time limits
- No locked features
How can I help?
If you found this tool helpful, please consider making a donation.
If you’re into Python and image processing, maybe you can take a look at the issues.
Raise an issue here and I’ll take a look.