Nobody just listens to music anymore. Think about it for a second.
What I mean by *‘just’ *is, doing that activity and that activity alone.
Sure we are listening to music all the time. While driving, commuting, studying, drinking, dancing… it’s a secondary activity that makes a lot of other activities either pleasurable or bearable. But it’s rarely the main activity.
Remember the times when just listening was a thing?
The days when Walkmans and Discmans were your* my precious.
Walkman: One of the most adorable things ever made
We used to literally sit down by the window, close our eyes and *just listen to music.
In the 70s, maybe friends used to invite friends over so that they can all sit together in a room and just listen to music on the gramophone.
How weird :P
In the present day, the situations when people are just listening to music is probably only at events and concerts.
In all others, music is simply a secondary activity.